Slugs Soundtrack (

Slugs Soundtrack (2004) cover

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Rating: 6.10/10 from 1100 votes
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"Slugs" is a horror novel written by Shaun Hutson. The story follows a small town in England that becomes infested with mutant slugs after toxic waste is illegally dumped in a nearby landfill. As the slugs grow in size and numbers, they begin to attack and devour the townspeople, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. The protagonist, a local health inspector, must find a way to stop the slugs before they completely take over the town and cause even more chaos. With graphic descriptions of the slugs' gruesome attacks and the town's descent into madness, "Slugs" is a terrifying tale of nature gone awry.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Out For Lunch
Microthol: Performer
Back Downhill
Fetish 69: Performer
Michel Amato: Performer
Michel Amato: Produced
Miss Kittin: Vocals
Miss Kittin: Performer
DJ Glow: Performer
Do Wah Diddy Diddy
Jeff Barry: Performer
Black Sabbath: Performer
Tony Iommi: Writer
Ladies Mam
Walter W. Cikan: Performer
Walter W. Cikan: Performer
Lucky Man
Greg Lake: Writer
Emerson Lake and Palmer: Performer
Porno Canal Plus
Baby FM
Rug Slug
Mike Supancic: Performer
Mike Supancic: Bass klaus kofler lyrics

User reviews

Michael Carter

The powerful crescendos and dramatic shifts in the music intensify the impact of the most thrilling and terrifying scenes in the novel.

Betty Roberts

The eerie and suspenseful atmosphere created by the soundtrack perfectly complements the horrifying events in Slugs.

Elizabeth Phillips

The use of unsettling sound effects in the music enhances the sense of danger and impending doom throughout the story.

Karen Young

The diversity of musical styles and motifs in the soundtrack reflects the different moods and themes present in Slugs, enhancing the storytelling.

Deborah Nelson

Overall, the band sonora of Slugs contributes significantly to the overall enjoyment and immersion in the terrifying world created by Shaun Hutson, making it a truly unforgettable reading experience.

Karen Smith

The use of repetitive and cliché musical motifs throughout the soundtrack became distracting and took away from the overall viewing experience. It felt like the composer relied on overused tropes instead of creating a unique and memorable score that could elevate the film's tension and fear factor.

Patricia Carter

The use of unconventional instruments and experimental sounds in the soundtrack adds a unique and memorable quality to the overall auditory experience of Slugs.

Richard Walker

On the other hand, while the soundtrack serves its purpose in setting the mood for the film, it lacks a memorable and distinctive musical theme that could have elevated the overall viewing experience. The absence of a standout melody or motif makes the music somewhat forgettable and fails to leave a lasting impression on the audience.

Steven Taylor

The soundtrack of Slugs effectively enhances the atmosphere of horror and tension in the film. The eerie and suspenseful musical cues complement the gruesome scenes of the slugs' attacks, creating a sense of dread and unease that stays with the audience long after the movie ends.

Michelle Jones

The seamless integration of the soundtrack with the narrative helps to immerse me deeper into the world of the mutated slugs and the town's struggle for survival.

David Jones

The soundtrack effectively builds tension during key moments, keeping me on the edge of my seat while reading Slugs.

Ashley Harris

The soundtrack effectively captures the essence of horror and chaos depicted in the novel, enhancing the emotional connection to the characters and their plight.

James Lopez

The soundtrack for Slugs failed to capture the true essence of horror and suspense that the novel conveys. The music felt generic and uninspired, lacking the intensity needed to enhance the terrifying atmosphere of the story.

Thomas Jackson

The soundtrack of Slugs perfectly captures the eerie and tense atmosphere of the novel. The haunting melodies and ominous tones create a sense of impending doom, enhancing the horror and suspense of the story.

Mary Perez

The haunting melodies in the music linger in my mind even after finishing the book, adding an extra layer of unease to the overall experience.

Edward Martin

The use of dissonant chords and unsettling sounds in the soundtrack of Slugs adds a layer of unease and tension that keeps the audience on edge throughout the narrative. The music effectively conveys the creeping horror of the mutant slugs and the escalating chaos in the town, immersing the listener in the nightmarish world of the story.