Transfer Soundtrack (

Transfer Soundtrack (2003) cover

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The Leader of the Church of Humanity, Father Love, having waged a spiritual war against Earth's robotic transgressions, is becoming President of Earth. Now only an old friend remains in the way of Father Love's plans to redeem the entire universe. The last robotics engineer, Professor Jon Tevlen, aware that he may be the only hope left for the future, accepts an invitation to speak at Father Love's inauguration cermemony. Leaving sanctuary, the Professor returns to his home planet in hopes of restoring what is left of the crumbling Earth Government.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
A Flor e o Espinho - Voice
Falsa Baiana - Voice
O Último Por do Sol - Voice
Lula Queiroga: Artist
Lenine: Artist
Obsessão (medley)