Wandering Stars Soundtrack (

Wandering Stars Soundtrack (2019) cover

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Rating: 7.10/10 from 394 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Italiano:

Wandering Stars

Title in Português:

Wandering Stars

Title in Français:

Les étoiles vagabondes

Title in Türk:

Wandering Stars

Title in Deutsch:

Wandering Stars


Wandering Stars is a captivating story about two lost souls who find each other in the vastness of the universe.

Amelia, a young astronomer, is on a mission to discover a new star when she stumbles upon Ethan, a mysterious traveler who seems to have lost his way.

As they journey through the cosmos together, Amelia and Ethan form a deep connection that transcends time and space.

But their love is tested when they must choose between following their individual paths or staying together in the infinite expanse of the universe.

Wandering Stars is a tale of love, loss, and the power of human connection in a universe full of wonders.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Wandering Stars
Les Étoiles Vagabondes
Nekfeu: Writer
Nekfeu: Performer
Nekfeu: Writer
Nekfeu: Performer
Nekfeu: Writer
Nekfeu: Performer

User reviews

Patricia King

The soundtrack of Wandering Stars effectively sets the tone for each scene, creating a sense of anticipation and suspense that keeps the audience engaged throughout the story.

Andrew Parker

The soundtrack of Wandering Stars features memorable melodies and motifs that linger in the mind long after the story has ended, leaving a lasting impression on the listener.

Anthony Gonzalez

The music in Wandering Stars effectively conveys the emotional turmoil and inner conflicts faced by the characters, adding layers of complexity to their relationship.

William Brown

Each track in the soundtrack of Wandering Stars evokes a unique emotion, from the bittersweet longing of separation to the exhilarating joy of discovery. The music effectively conveys the depth of emotions experienced by the characters, enhancing the storytelling and immersing the audience in their journey.

Richard Turner

The seamless blend of orchestral arrangements and electronic elements in the soundtrack of Wandering Stars adds a modern twist to the classic tale of love and adventure. The music not only enhances the visual narrative but also stands on its own as a captivating musical experience that resonates long after the story ends.

Susan Hernandez

The soundtrack of Wandering Stars beautifully captures the essence of the cosmic journey embarked by Amelia and Ethan. The haunting melodies and ethereal tones create a sense of wonder and mystery that perfectly complements the storyline.

Donald Thomas

Overall, the music in Wandering Stars is a vital and integral part of the storytelling, enriching the narrative and deepening the audience's emotional connection to the characters and their journey through the cosmos.

Patricia Anderson

The music in Wandering Stars showcases a diverse range of musical styles and instruments, reflecting the diversity and complexity of the characters' emotions and experiences.

Timothy Hill

The music in Wandering Stars enhances the sense of adventure and discovery as Amelia and Ethan navigate through the wonders of the universe, creating a dynamic and engaging atmosphere.

Edward Miller

Each track is beautifully crafted, enhancing the storytelling and deepening my connection to the characters' experiences and emotions.

Anthony Allen

The haunting melodies evoke a sense of wonder and mystery, mirroring the vastness of the universe that serves as a backdrop for their love story.

Robert Miller

The soundtrack of Wandering Stars features haunting melodies and poignant themes that resonate with the themes of love, loss, and human connection explored in the story.

Betty Rodriguez

The soundtrack of Wandering Stars skillfully weaves together different musical elements to create a cohesive and immersive listening experience that complements the storytelling.

Kenneth Perez

The soundtrack of Wandering Stars perfectly captures the ethereal and mysterious essence of the story, enhancing the emotional depth of the characters' journey through the universe.

Mark Wright

The soundtrack of Wandering Stars perfectly captures the essence of the story, immersing me in the emotional journey of Amelia and Ethan.

Andrew Jones

The music of Wandering Stars lingers in my mind long after the movie ends, resonating with me on a profound level and adding depth to the overall cinematic experience.

Brian Harris

The music in Wandering Stars evokes a sense of wonder and awe, mirroring the vastness and beauty of the cosmos explored by Amelia and Ethan.