We Hunt Together is a thrilling crime drama series that follows two detectives, Lola Franks and Jackson Mendy, as they investigate a series of murders in London. Lola is a sharp and ambitious detective with a troubled past, while Jackson is a charming and enigmatic ex-soldier. Together, they form an unlikely partnership as they track down a pair of killers who are on a deadly spree.
The show explores themes of power, manipulation, and the blurred lines between good and evil. As Lola and Jackson delve deeper into the case, they begin to realize that the killers are not just random strangers, but are actually connected in a much more sinister way. As they race against time to catch the killers before they strike again, Lola and Jackson must confront their own demons and face the consequences of their actions.
We Hunt Together is a gripping and intense series that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. With its complex characters, twisted plot twists, and dark atmosphere, this show is a must-watch for fans of crime dramas and psychological thrillers.