Divine Access Soundtrack (

Divine Access Soundtrack (2015) cover

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Rating: 5.60/10 from 378 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Divine Access

Title in Italiano:

Divine Access

Title in Português:

Divine Access

Title in Français:

Divine Access

Title in Türk:

İlahi Erişim

Title in Deutsch:

Divine Access


DIVINE ACCESS is equal parts comedy and drama. Set in the south, it's a road movie, a buddy picture and an often sweet, thought-provoking story of redemption. Dragged from one religious experience to another by his mother Catherine in an attempt to fulfill her own spiritual quest, Jack Harriman finds that he knows more about the world's vast religions than most scholars.

Living a simple life and using his religious expertise to attract women, Jack is asked to join a local cable access television show called Divine Access, produced by his good friend Bob McCord. Bob is keenly aware of Jack's penchant for discrediting religious zealots like the current host of the show, Reverend Guy Roy Davis. Jack humiliates Reverend Davis on an episode that quickly goes viral.

Jack's immediate popularity fuels a jealousy and hatred within Guy Roy sending him on a downward spiral from grace. Jack, on the other hand, becomes a spiritual celebrity and reluctantly takes to the road on a multi-city speaking tour. Along for the ride is Nigel, a self proclaimed "catcher" who earned his nickname for catching those overcome with the spirit while on the religious circuit.

Jack and Nigel are joined by Amber, a down on her luck call-girl who Jack takes under his wing, and Marian, an enigmatic beauty who challenges Jack's beliefs and questions whether he has some deeper calling. When Jack realizes he has become a false prophet, the thing he despises most, forces both natural and supernatural lead him on a journey to discover his own spiritual truth, culminating in a final showdown with Guy Roy Davis.

Surrounded by those he loves and those who love him, Jack's story will forever change the lives of the throngs of fans that have come to hear him speak. Ultimately, DIVINE ACCESS is a story of family, friendship and faith.

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Divine Access

User reviews

Nancy Clark

The soundtrack of Divine Access perfectly captures the blend of comedy and drama in the film, adding depth and emotion to the story. The music enhances the road movie atmosphere, guiding the audience through Jack Harriman's journey of redemption with a thoughtful and engaging score.

John Evans

The musical choices in Divine Access effectively mirror the characters' spiritual quests and personal growth throughout the film. The soundtrack weaves together different genres and tones to create a dynamic and engaging listening experience that complements the on-screen narrative.

Kenneth Jackson

The music in Divine Access evokes a sense of redemption and spiritual awakening, mirroring Jack Harriman's journey of self-discovery. The melodies are both uplifting and thought-provoking, adding an extra layer of complexity to the narrative.

George Carter

The music used in the cable access television show Divine Access is catchy and fun, making it feel like a real show that viewers would tune in to watch.

Elizabeth Martinez

The songs chosen for the speaking tour scenes evoke a sense of inspiration and introspection, echoing Jack's search for his own spiritual truth.

Thomas Smith

The use of music in Divine Access adds an extra layer of complexity to the story, highlighting the inner struggles and transformations of the characters. The soundtrack enhances the themes of family, friendship, and faith, making it a crucial element in the overall impact of the film.

Michael Perez

The music enhances the road movie aspect of the story, creating a sense of adventure and discovery with each new destination.

Betty Johnson

I enjoyed how the music accompanied the interactions between the main characters, adding layers to their relationships and dynamics.

John Jackson

The soundtrack effectively conveys the transformation of Jack Harriman from a skeptic to a spiritual celebrity, mirroring his internal journey.

Steven Baker

The soundtrack of Divine Access perfectly captures the essence of the film, blending comedy and drama seamlessly. Each track enhances the emotional depth of the story, making it a truly immersive experience.

Robert White

The soundtrack of Divine Access perfectly captures the southern setting of the film, blending elements of comedy and drama seamlessly.

Dorothy Thomas

I appreciate how the soundtrack reflects the themes of redemption and spiritual quest in the film, adding depth and emotion to the scenes.

Kimberly Lopez

Overall, the soundtrack of Divine Access enhances the storytelling and brings an extra layer of authenticity to the film's themes of family, friendship, and faith.