Les traducteurs Soundtrack (

Les traducteurs Soundtrack (2019) cover

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Rating: 6.50/10 from 9300 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Los traductores

Title in Italiano:

Les traducteurs

Title in Português:

Os Tradutores

Title in Français:

Les traducteurs

Title in Türk:

Sırlar Kitabı

Title in Deutsch:

Das Rätsel


Against the backdrop of the upcoming release of the third volume in the best-selling DEDALUS trilogy, an international literary sensation that has put Angstrom Publishing on the map, nine hand-picked translators find themselves confined in an impenetrable concrete bunker. As ruthless publisher Eric Angstrom has planned everything down to the last detail to maintain the confidentiality of the precious manuscript, the elite team of exceptional polyglots has one short month to simultaneously translate 480 pages from French into nine different languages. However, when the first 10 pages of the novel somehow leak online, and someone blackmails Angstrom to pay an extortionate ransom, a dangerous hunt for the inconspicuous culprit will put in jeopardy not only the future of the publishing house but also the very lives of the nine equally-suspicious translators. Will they get out alive?

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Les traducteurs

User reviews

Kenneth King

The soundtrack of Les traducteurs perfectly captures the tension and suspense of the plot, with its dramatic orchestral arrangements and haunting melodies.

Kimberly Martinez

The music effectively conveys the sense of mystery and intrigue surrounding the leak of the first 10 pages of the novel, adding an extra layer of suspense to the story.

Linda Phillips

The soundtrack's ability to build tension gradually throughout the film keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, wondering what will happen next.

Melissa Thompson

The soundtrack's use of percussion creates a sense of rhythm and pace, mirroring the frantic efforts of the translators to meet their deadline while also dealing with the threat of blackmail.

Linda Gonzalez

The soundtrack's dynamic range, from quiet moments of reflection to intense action sequences, mirrors the rollercoaster of emotions experienced by the characters in the film.

Timothy Anderson

The emotional depth of the music helps to humanize the characters, making their struggles and fears more relatable to the audience.

Daniel Turner

The use of strings in the soundtrack enhances the sense of urgency and pressure that the characters in the movie feel as they race against time to translate the manuscript.

Amanda Martinez

The use of subtle electronic elements in the music adds a modern touch to the score, reflecting the high-tech world of publishing and online threats depicted in the movie.

Donald Turner

Overall, the soundtrack of Les traducteurs is a vital component of the movie, enhancing its storytelling and immersing the audience in the high-stakes world of literary translation and intrigue.